Benefits of Exercise For People With Autism

My name is Leah and I am an accredited Exercise Physiologist. I wanted to provide the Autism community with some information on the benefits of exercise physiology (EP) for ASD. It is so important for individuals and families to know what EP is and how important is for those with autism.

We know that the ASD population have reduced engagement in physical activity and exercise and this can be from a few issues such as high costs, inability to be socially included and lack of opportunities. This can increase the risk of other health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and even mental illness. 

Exercise is known to improve heart and metabolic health, cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength (important for those with low muscle tone), endurance and power. Did you know however that it is incredibly beneficial for improving cognitive, motor, social and behavioural impairments in those with ASD. Research has also indicated that it can decrease self-stimulating and stereotypical behaviours. This can be so important to help kids with concentration at school or adults with work. 

Exercise physiologist’s are university qualified (4 year bachelor degree) allied health professionals that specialise in exercise treatment for chronic conditions such as chronic illnesses (diabetes, heart disease, cancer etc.) chronic injuries and disabilities. As we know, no two people are the same, therefore EP’s prescribe individually tailored exercise programs and take in all the special considerations that may be present for one person. 

(Side note: personal trainers are not university qualified and don’t have the knowledge and understanding to work with chronic populations)

Exercise physiology services are a big part of the NDIS, especially for the ASD community to help them achieve their goals and reap the mentioned benefits. If you are unsure how EP can benefit you or a family member, get into contact with your local exercise physiologist or support coordinator to find out how this service could be beneficial for you.

Or feel free to get into contact with myself at Aevum Physiotherapy via our Facebook details (we are located in the Sutherland Shire, Sydney NSW).


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