Physio vs Chiro - What Is Best For You

Physiotherapy (physio) and chiropractic care (chiro) are similar in some ways - they are both used to treat and manage stiffness and pain and they are both licensed professionals who pursued a science education to work in their craft. However, there are differences you should be aware of. 

Physio Versus Chiro 

The two therapists share similar goals, but how they achieve those goals differs. 

A physio's primary goal is to help their patient achieve pain-free movement. On the other hand, a chiro will look to achieve pain relief and spine alignment. The physio will address your whole body and how it moves and functions rather than specific issues within your body. A physio will help the patient exercise and stretch in order to attain a long term result, as well as carry out manipulations where necessary. A chiro specialises in manipulations or adjustments only. A physio doesn't need specialised equipment or space the way a chiro does. If need be, a physio can visit you at your home. 

When you visit a physio, they will evaluate your pain, as well as your movement and flexibility. Based on this, they will suggest different exercises and stretches to help your body heal. They will create a wellness plan that addresses your overall health. Physio is suitable for anyone who has an injury, has had an accident, is looking for post-op care, or has an ongoing health condition. The physio's ultimate goal is to treat you so that you can live life pain-free without continuing physio treatment. It's a path to healing. 

People often visit a chiro to avoid more invasive treatment. The idea behind it is the chiro intervenes to help your body heal itself. So, while physio covers a range of issues, chiro is focused on your nervous and musculoskeletal systems. It can be useful for pain in your back, neck or joints, as well as if you suffer from frequent headaches. Chiropractic care will generally require repeat visits, there is rarely a path to complete healing as you will require adjustments and manipulations to achieve your pain relief.


Which One is Best? 

Ultimately, the right choice for you will depend on your needs. Some people may opt to pursue care from both. A physio will certainly be able to provide you with a wider range of treatment assistance and help with your healing. But if you aren't sure which way to go, you should speak to your doctor about exactly what type of therapy would best suit your individual needs. 

Both will address your issues with hands-on therapy, but physical therapy focuses on the function of the whole body and how it moves. A physio will work with you to stretch and exercise to increase your range of motion and reduce the level of pain you are experiencing. 

If you are living with pain, you should discuss it with your primary care physician. They will be able to offer advice on whether physio is the right choice for you. If your doctor has advised you to exercise more frequently, you should choose a routine that is safe for your physical abilities. If you are interested in trying out new exercises, you should speak to your physio for advice first. They will be able to advise you on how to safely proceed. 

Sutherland Physiotherapy 

If you are interested in learning more about physiotherapy for kids, reach out to our Aevum physiotherapy team to discuss your needs. We have a range of custom equipment and technology to ensure children reach their physiological milestones and build confidence. We also offer NDIS Physiotherapy for those eligible for the scheme. If you are looking for a physio in Sutherland, call our Aevum physiotherapy team to discuss our services.


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